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Two-Phase Locking Protocol | 两阶段封锁协议¶
- 无法保证可恢复性
=> 是冲突可并行的充分条件,但不是必要条件;满足两阶段封锁协议,一定可冲突串行化,但可冲突串行化,不一定满足两阶段封锁协议
strict | 严格的
a transaction must hold all its exclusive locks till it commits/aborts.
- 排他锁维持更长的时间
- Ensures recoverability and avoids cascading roll-backs
rigorous | 强
- 所有的锁都到最后(commit/abort)才释放
- Transactions can be serialized in the order in which they commit.
Lock Conversion¶
U Lock, 先读后面可能会写
- upgrade
- downgrade
Automatic Acquisition of Locks¶
The operation write(D) is processed as:
if Ti has a lock-X on D
else begin
if necessary wait until no other trans. has any lock on D,
if Ti has a lock-S on D
upgrade lock on D to lock-X
grant Ti a lock-X on D
Dead Lock | 死锁¶
System is deadlocked if there is a set of transactions such that every transaction in the set is waiting for another transaction in the set. 两个事务相互等待。
- 死锁是基于锁协议共有的问题
Deadlock Prevention
Timeout-Based Schemes
a transaction waits for a lock only for a specified amount of time. After that, the wait times out and the transaction is rolled back.
thus deadlocks are not possible
simple to implement; but starvation is possible. Also difficult to determine good value of the timeout interval. 一直无法获得锁,一直在等待
wait-for Graph
- $T_i -> T_j,前一个等待后面的$
- Some transaction will have to rolled back (made a victim) to break deadlock. 选择牺牲者
- Select that transaction as victim that will incur minimum cost.
- Rollback -- determine how far to roll back transaction 回滚
- Total rollback: Abort the transaction and then restart it.
- Partial rollback: Roll back victim transaction only as far as necessary to release locks that another transaction in cycle is waiting for.
Tree Protocol¶
- 只有排他锁
- 第一个锁可以加到任何地方,但是之后的锁要加的数据 的父节点一定要有锁
- 锁用过之后就可以随时放掉
- 同一个节点不能重复加锁(lock - unlock - lock ×)
- 冲突可串行
- 不会产生死锁,deadlock-free
- 可以早点放锁,提高了并发度、吞吐率
- 不保证可恢复性 recoverability. 可能读取脏数据
- 可通过添加“提交依赖”来保证这一点
- 可能锁住更多不需要的数据,lock more data items —— 比如同时访问根节点和某一个叶子节点,就需要按照Tree的一条path锁到叶子节点
Multiple Granularity | 多粒度¶
Granularity of locking (level in tree where locking is done):
- Fine granularity (细粒度) (lower in tree): high concurrency, high locking overhead
- Coarse granularity (粗粒度) (higher in tree): low locking overhead, low concurrency
- 可以在更大的粒度上面加锁
Intension Lock
在一个节点显式加锁之前, 对他的父节点加意向锁
- 在粗粒度上面加锁,可以先不去管下面的细粒度是否会冲突;意向
- 加锁从上面 - Unlock从下面
Insert and Delete Operations¶
- Locking rules for insert/delete operations
- An exclusive lock must be obtained on an item before it is deleted 自动加排他锁
- A transaction that inserts a new tuple into the database automatically gives an X-mode lock on the tuple
Phantom Phenomenon | 幻读¶
Index Locking To Prevent Phantoms | 索引封锁¶
- 在索引上面锁住一段
Next-Key Locking to Prevent Phantoms¶
- 锁住单独的数据