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Access Type
- Point query: records with a specified value in the attribute
- Range query: records with an attribute value falling in a specified range of values.
Access time
- insertion time 包括找到插入位置、更新索引结构的时间
- Deletion time 包括找到删除项、更新索引结构的时间
- Space overhead 索引结构所占据的额外空间
Ordered Indices¶
- 当发生插入/删除
- 所有受到影响的index都要改变
- update
- 受影响则变
Primary Index | 主索引 || Clustering index | 聚集索引¶
- In a sequentially ordered file, the index whose search key specifies the sequential order of the file.
Dense Index | 稠密索引¶
- 左侧的部分都是
index entry
,包括一个索引键值和指针 - 它的
)- 直接指向对应search key的记录
- 指向所有具有相同search key的指针,相当于是上图中的指针指向一个bucket,这个bucket含有所有指向相应记录的指针
- 指向所有具有相同search key的第一条记录的指针,如上图
Sparse Index | 稀疏索引¶
- Contains index records for only some search-key values.
Secondary Index | Non clustering Index¶
index entry
Index record points to a bucket that contains pointers to all the actual records with that particular search-key value.- 必须是稠密索引,物理存储必须是有序的
- 对其进行顺序Scan代价很高
Multi Level index¶
- outer index – a sparse index of the basic index
- inner index – the basic index file
- Indices at all levels must be updated on insertion or deletion from the file
Composite search key
B+ Tree Index¶
Paths: all leaf in same level
**Root: **
- non-Leaf. has at least 2 children.
- Leaf. If the root is a leaf (that is, there are no other nodes in the tree), it can have between 0 and (n–1) values.
Inner node: Each node that is not a root or a leaf has between $\lceil n/2\rceil$ and n children.
Leaf: A leaf node has between $\lceil (n–1)/2\rceil$and n–1 values
Leaf Node
Non Leaf Node
Block_id entry Block_id + 绝对偏移的表示方法并不利于位置的记录
支持查询方式 Point Query 和 Range Query 和 Scanning
因为叶子节点含有指向兄弟的指针;可能含有一个Scanning pointer,指向第一个Leaf
每一个节点都对应一个磁盘的块 block, 把这一块读入内存,之后可以获得这个节点. A node is generally the same size as a disk block, typically 4 kilobytes
在DB中的B+ Tree下,inner node的值不一定在leaf出现,中间结点的值只起到索引的作用。(这种情况是在Deletion下发生)
Insert / Delete¶
- Gold删除后仍然在root的索引中
height & size 估计
Height\leq \lceil log_{\lceil \frac{n}{2}\rceil}K \rceil
Records per block 每一个node是一个块,一个块一般是4K大小(Block Size),Block Size / Data Size Blocks for storing Records size / Records per block
,也就是这个B+ Tree的分支,对于一个M叉的B+ Tree,它有 M+1 个指针,M个索引值。(每一个节点都是一个Page/Block) 于是,计算方式就是 ($\frac{Block Size - 4}{index size+ pointer size}$ +1 ) -
- Level 2 :min = 2 * leaf value , max = 全满
- Level 3 :min = 2 * Inner value * leaf value
- Level K(K > 1) :
$$ min = 2 (Inner Pointer)_{min}^{K-2}(Leaf value){min}\ max = (Inner Pointer) $$}^{K-1}*(Leaf value)_{max
leaf的部分,要存放1000000个(N)数据,那么需要N / leaf values个叶子节点
最少的nodes leaf : 1000000 / 186
- 最多的nodes
- 存放的是记录本身而不是指向记录的指针
Solution: use search key of B+-tree file organization instead of record pointer in secondary index
- Add record-id if B+-tree file organization search key is non-unique
- Extra traversal of file organization to locate record
- Higher cost for queries, but node splits are cheap
使用 前缀压缩 | prefix encoding 来对变长的数据进行索引
批量加载与构建 | Bulk Loading and Bottom-Up Build¶
Algorithm 1
- sort entries first
- insert in sorted order
- much improved I/O performance, but most leaf nodes half full
Algorithm 2 | Bottom-up B+-tree construction
- sort entries
- create tree layer-by-layer, starting with leaf level
Hash | 散列¶
A bucket is a unit of storage containing one or more entries (a buckets typically a disk block).
- we obtain the bucket of an entry from its search-key value using a hash function
Hash function h is a function from the set of all search-key values K to the set of all bucket addresses B.
Static hashing¶
Bucket Overflow
使用 overflow bucket 处理,形成溢出链
Dynamic Hashing¶
Periodic rehashing
Linear Hashing
- Extendable Hashing
Multiple-key access¶
Use multiple indices for certain types of queries
select ID
from instructor
where dept_name = “Finance” and salary = 80000
Definition of Index¶
create index takes_pk on takes (ID,course_ID, year, semester, section)
drop index takes_pk
- Indices on primary key created automatically by all databases
Write-Optimized Indices¶
Performance of B+-trees can be poor for write-intensive workloads
- One I/O per leaf, assuming all internal nodes are in memory
With magnetic disks, < 100 inserts per second per disk
With flash memory, one page overwrite per insert
Log Structured Merge (LSM) Tree¶
- Size threshold for $𝐿_{𝑖+1}$ tree is 𝑘 times size threshold for $𝐿_𝑖$ tree 一个record在一个节点最多写K次
插入 - Records inserted first into in-memory tree (𝐿0 tree) - When in-memory tree is full, records moved to disk (𝐿1 tree) B+-tree constructed using bottom-up build by merging existing 𝐿1 tree with records from 𝐿0 tree 内存里的 B+ 树如果满了,就马上写到磁盘里去(可以连续写) - When 𝐿1 tree exceeds some threshold, merge into $L_2$ tree And so on for more levels
这样我们把随机写变为了顺序写。但此时查找一个索引,就要遍历所有 B + Tree
Stepped-merge index
在每一级使用更多的B+ Tree 而不是像上面一样每次一棵树满就去merge到下一层
- Variant of LSM tree with multiple trees at each level
- Reduces write cost compared to LSM tree
- But queries are even more expensive
- Bloom filters to avoid lookups in most trees
- Bloom filters to avoid lookups in most trees
不同于上面的查找和insert,删除通过deletion entry
Indicates which index entry is to be deleted. The process of inserting a deletion entry is identical to the process of insertinga normal index entry.
- When trees are merged, if we find a delete entry matching an originalentry, both are dropped.
- When lookups, find both original entry and the delete entry, and mustreturn only those entries that do not have matching delete entry
Buffer Tree¶
- 先放在Root的缓冲区
- 满了往下放
- 放在internal缓冲区...
- 一直到叶子节点
- 在查找所遍历的每个内部节点时,都必须检查该节点的缓冲区,以查看是否有与查找键匹配的记录。是否有与查找键匹配的记录。范围查找与普通 B+-树中的做法一样,但它们还必须检查被访问的叶节点上面的所有内部节点的缓冲区。
Bitmap Indices¶
Bitmap indices are a special type of index designed for efficient querying on multiple keys not particularly useful for single attribute queries
- Applicable on attributes that take on a relatively small number of distinct values 每一列不同的属性值不要太多
- 可以进行交并操作